
Cherishing Lives offer adults, children, and their families innovative, quality services and supports that lead to growth and independence, regardless of the physical, we work in an effort to help mentor individuals to shape the direction of their own lives.

Cherishing Lives Corp is in partnership with Vision Board Book.

One of the most important keys to anyone’s success is the individual’s ability to create a vision and put a plan in place to bring it to life. Our young people need a vision in order to give them direction and hope for their future.

  • Become a visionary and see your destiny.

Cherishing Lives has partnered with thePossible Life Group to offer the Possible Life Vision Board Book for Youth. Created by T. Hearn, this is a Vision Planner designed to assist youth on their life journey by helping them to create a vision and establish goals for their life.

  • Embrace the journey and success will follow.

This book is a full workbook that students and participants use interactively. Along with the book, there is a 10 week curriculum offering that can be used with mentoring, after school programs or in a workshop series. We are excited about our relationship with the Possible Life Group and in making sure that we do our part in seeing our youth live out their best possible life.

  • Unlocking your purpose and see your future.